Tuesday, March 10, 2009


I like to sing. I actually love it...although, not sure if too many other people enjoy hearing me sing, but I subject my boys to it all day long! From jamming in the car with them to making up all sorts of silly songs at home...

I have made up a good morning song for them, a cuddle song for Chase, a variety of bathtub songs, I even made up a pooping on the potty song for Chase when he was being potty trained. For some reason the kid did not want to ever poop on the potty...so I sat with him and sat with him and made up a song! Craziness. CJ just shakes his head & laughs at me. I sing I love you to them, I sing pick up our toys & clothes songs, I sing songs about eating...my heart is full of joy when I hear the boys sing on their own. Chase is loving "kid zone" at church & he will sing songs he learns there...it is fun learning new ways to sing the old Sunday school favorites. I hear Seth singing in the bathroom...a lot...that makes me smile, never quite sure what he is singing, but he is singing!

Well, my make my heart smile moment happened on Monday. I picked Chase up from school & he runs out, gives me a great big hug--which I am relishing right now because I know these days of running out & giving mom big hugs aren't going to last for long--on a side note, I make Chase promise that when he is taller than me--as tall as CJ(6'7) that he will always hug his mamma--anywho, he seemed fine. But as we were walking to the car, he was staying back a little, mumbling to himself and then tearing up. It was very strange...we got in the car and he told me of a substitute he didn't like so much. I was confused, because he didn't get in trouble, but he said she was mean and should be fired(he is dramatic--always) So I made sure nothing happened, and figured he was tired.

We get home, he has his moment of sulking & crying, and then we sit down for dinner. As he is "preparing his food" salt, pepper etc. He just breaks out in song about his day...

"why oh why when do I have to have bad days. why oh why does that mean lady work at school. why oh why do I have to have baaaaaaaaad days at schooOOOOL....then come home and eat dinnnnnnerrrrrrRRRRR"

Trying to give you the full picture of his inflections and BIG finish.

He was trying to cheer himself up I think. He needed to just tell us he had a bad day...and that is how it came out....in song. While I was sad that the poor kid was tired & had had a rough day...my heart smiled because he was expressing himself in song:) And my heart smiled even bigger when CJ acknowledged that it was my doing by saying..."He is definitely YOUR child"

We all smiled and laughed and were able to end Chase's bad day on a good NOTE! (ha I make myself laugh)