Thursday, July 30, 2009

Seth's 4th Birthday With 4 Celebrations

Since it seems that my last post was on April 15Th, I am trying to remember what I have missed since April 15Th...I think the place to start would be Seth's birthday! My baby turned 4! He turned 4 on May 1st. The poor baby was born on the 1st of the month, the one day both CJ & I HAVE to be at the restaurant to close down the month before! I feel bad for him, I feel like he gets shafted on his birthday because we always have to work first. I am sure as he gets older we will start celebrating it on a different day, so he can actually, maybe, have a party...but up until now, he has been young enough, to probably not remember we always start his birthday at work...although I am sure he will remember this year!

Anyway...this year think he ended up have a great birthday...a great 4 different celebrations birthday! CJ & I went out of town for OB's annual conference, so M&D watched the boys & the boys went to Mom's school each day & was in Mrs. Platt's class. Mom, being the awesome Granny she is, took a cake in to Mrs. Platt's class for Seth's birthday! A Speed Racer cake, that is what he told her he wanted. He wore a birthday crown, he ate cake, he LOVED it! THEN Mom & Fara took Seth to Chuck E Cheese to celebrate his birthday with him then. Presents, pizza, games, enough said, he had a FABULOUS time. And even Aunt Fara's friends came to celebrate with him...and apparently Miss Lynn & Mr. Alan "just knew" he liked matchbox cars, they brought him matchbox cars for his b-day!

So we pick Seth up the day before his b-day, after our trip to San Diego. He has fun presents & left over Speed Racer cake & he is a very happy boy! But he KNEW those were his "pretend" birthdays and his "real" birthday was still coming! So, we had to go to work...but he got his favorite breakfast...Dunkin Donuts blueberry cake donuts! Then after work we all went Duck Pin bowling, he had a few friends there, pizza, more cake, more presents, his friends came back to the housed & played....I think he had a GREAT birthday! I was so glad, I was feeling 'mommy guilt' because we hadn't had a true party for him yet, like we had had for Chase....

The 4Th celebration was at his own preschool...since he missed preschool on his birthday week...the following Monday, after his birthday, we brought in Superman cupcakes and he got another birthday crown & was able to celebrate with his school friends!

So I think Seth made out this birthday! I am so happy he had so much fun! Nothing like a birthday week I say! My good friend Kate taught me that those were they best!

I can't believe my baby is 4! *tear* This year will fly by...and the next thing I know I will be dropping him off at Kindergarten...OH Lord, please prepare my heart now!

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