Sunday, March 14, 2010

Angel Moments Part One

Part of my nightly prayer I pray WITH my boys: " Lord I thank you for Chase and Seth. Your incredible gifts to Daddy & me! I pray that you will protect them. Guard their hearts, minds, bodies, souls and spirits, keep them from all evil and harm, no matter where they go or who they are with. Send your angels to guard them and keep them always"

We have had some amazing "angel moments" where I have seen first hand God answer the above prayer and keep my boys safe! I thought I need to blog about those! :) Isn't this a reason I started this little blog. Memories for my boys. Who cares if they are memories from their infant days or not right? :) BUT in order to understand why I pray for my boys they way that I do, and my strong belief in God's protection and that He does send his angels I need to share one of my stories...

A Little Background First:

1. I grew up with my Grandpa as a pastor. Whenever we spent anytime at he & Granny's house, if we left to go anywhere, even 5min up the road to the grocery store, we got in a circle, held hands and Grandpa prayed God's protection over us.
2. I have a mom and dad who prayed for me always. My mom would always say "my angels are bigger than yours"

"My Angel"

I went to college in Minneapolis MN. I lived downtown. Now, being from D.C. living in downtown Mpls was nothing! And I lived in the bad part of town, but it was still tame compared to D.C. life! Except for Bloods(yes the gang) who hung out on the corner by our apartment complex. Or the shoot out that had us all "locked down" on campus for a day...but hey...that's nothing-right? Well, I didn't have a car, so I roller bladed to my job and then took a bus home since I got off at 11P.M. The bus stop was about a block from the hotel I worked at, so I had to literally run each night to make the bus...if not, I was sitting and waiting for 45min for the next bus, downtown, at night, all alone. Well, one night, I missed the bus. Not sure why, so I sat down on a bench to wait. I was nervous. But, I am from D.C. I can handle myself! Right! Right? Well, a guy approached me,and started to harass me. He kept getting closer & closer & I was praying in my head "Lord help me!" Just then a BIG man walked up got in between this guy & me and asked me for the time and when the next bus was supposed to show up. Just his presence I guess scared the "mean" guy off...he went running. Just then the bus pulled up and the big guy...GONE! Not walking down the street, not getting on the bus, just GONE! So, I got on the bus and thanked my heavenly Father for sending His angel to protect me!!!!!! Yes, I believe with my entire heart that man was an angel. I knew angels were real, that they existed...but until that night, I didn't realize they could be tangible beings!

I know my parents prayed for me every day! I know they prayed for my protection. And that night, God answered their prayers and mine! It is overwhelming to realize how much I am loved by God!

Years later, now in the present, I have come to the realization that because of the example of my Grandparents and Parents and moments like the one above, I am now praying the same way over my boys and that it is SO important to do so each day, WITH them so one day they may do the same with their kids!

In my next post I will share with you "their" angel moments and how I have seen God answer my prayers where my boys are concerned. The kicker is, I know without a shadow of a doubt that there are so many more ways that He has protected us that I don't even know about! It is humbling to realize how much I am loved by God, even when my heart isn't right. It is humbling to know He hears my prayers. It is humbling to know He loves my boys more than I that is possible, I will never know but I am so glad He does, because without Him where would we be???

I have had a rough couple of days, but in these trying times, things like my "Angel Moments" remind me that I am STILL loved & protected & cared for & provided for by my Heavenly Father and that even though I am parents still pray for me & my family for our protection! It is in these times, I cling to these moments to help get me through.

I know you are all on the edge of your seat now to hear about the boys encounters with "my" angels!

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