Friday, August 28, 2009
A First Grader

Saturday, August 22, 2009
Things That Make Me Smile
Things you do to keep four boys occupied!
OR cause LOTS of TROUBLE! (this was after they were terrorizing each other!)
Last BUT not least go to the POOL! Of course! That is what summer is all about. FUN in the sun!
Friday, August 21, 2009
This Is the Post I Posted Over on FB about 8-20.
So, lots of things happened on 8-20:22 years ago one of my most favorite people in the world was born--my cousin Kimberly. I am wierd and like to call her Kimbo. Not sure if that annoys her or not, I have never asked, but I continue to call this 22 year old yound woman Kimbo. Sigh, maybe in my mind that keeps me & her both young! :) She has been more like my little sis & freind than my cousin! She is also one of the funniest people I know! My boys adore her, my husband loves her, she is just super awesome! She used to babysit for Chase when he was a baby with her BFF Hilary when they were in high school. And now she is getting married, she is a teacher, she is all growed up...I feel OLD! Happy Birthday Kimbo! We love you!
One year ago another of my most favorite people on this planet were born! My nepehw Hunter! It makes me sad because he lives in MO with his Daddy, my brother, I don't understand why my brother couldn't have just let me have him...he has 3 other boys, I mean, he could share ;-) Then we would have been even, he would have 3 and I would have 3...sigh. I mean, isn't Owen selfish? JUST KIDDING OWEN! I digress, it makes me sad that I haven't been able to meet him yet. Circumstances are such that I haven't been able to get my tailend out to MO to hug & kiss and love on my nephew! I am also sad that he hasn't been able to meet his Aunt Kerry...I am a cool Aunt Kerry for sure! How do I know he is one of my favorite people ever if I haven't met him yet? I mean, he is my nephew...how could he not be? I love hearing him jibber jabber when I am on the phone with my brother! He is a sweet baby! Happy Birthday Hunter. I better warn you, when Aunt Kerry does get to meet you, I have to make up for lost time...so there will be lots of hugs & kisses and cuddles! Just be prepared!
And lastly, but certainly not least, my Grandmother passed away one year ago on 8-20. I will never forget that phone call from my Dad(she was his mom) He couldn't even speak...and that's when I knew she was Home. In Heaven. With her Heavenly Father. It took my breathe away to hear my Dad cry. We knew she wasn't doing well. She suffered from alzheimer's. But no matter how "prepared" you are. You are never ready to lose someone as special as your grandmother. We called her Mamaw! I will never forget talking to my cousin Jessica, or Kimberly that day. My heart hurt, because Kimberly will always remember her Mamaw went to be with Jesus on her birthday. My Mamaw was a very special lady. A mother of 6 boys! (I don't know how she stayed sane!) I have so many great memories of her hugs and her cooking and spending summers with her...I have a quilt she made me before I left for college, it is one of my most cherished items! I still snuggle with it on a cold evening! It is so hard to believe she has been gone from us for a year! Thanksgivng will not be the same without her!
BUT how incredible is it, that on the very day she went Home, the Lord sent us Hunter? What an incredible gift Hunter is to us! I cannot find the right words to describe how awesome that was for our family to welcome this new life into our family that day. He brought each of us a ray of sunshine, a rainbow, a promise of new life, on a very dark day. God is so good. He is so faithful. One thing about my Mamaw--she LOVED her babies! LOVED her granchildren, greatgrandchildren, and it was so fitting that she had another great gran born on the day she went home! Her legacy lives on with my cousin Jessica's little girl, she named her Autumn Tennessee...after my Mamaw...that was her middle name! How cool & special is that?
8-20 CELEBRATES three very special people in my life! I am a bit emotional today, missing my Mamaw, wishing I could be sitting on the floor at my brother's house in MO playing with Hunter, and overwhelmed that my little cousin has grown up to be an INCREDIBLE woman! So I thought I would write about it -- and celebrate with them!
I LOVE you Owen! You are a great, incredible dad to Hunter, to all your boys! I love that baby--give him kisses & warn him about how crazy his Aunt Kerry is!
Kimberly, I will be thinking about you all day tomorrow! I LOVE you more than you may ever know.
Mamaw...I LOVE you and you will be in my heart forever! Thanks for all you taught me!
Here's to 8-20 a VERY special day for sure!

Monday, August 17, 2009

*sigh* It is all over...but definitely there were things I wanted to remember! It is a part of their history!
But I have to admit...I am still nauseated thinking of having my own surgery....it isn't a fear I want to overcome...but I will....with God's help!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
It was sweet. But really, they do do everything together...except those few things...and only because they aren't twins and Chase is older.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Kids Make Birthdays Fun
I did it again!
Being Silly With Daddy
Camera-woman: Mommy
Oh the memories:-) I love my boys! All 3 of them! The biggest one is the biggest kid of them all:)
The Beach
Friday, August 7, 2009
An Extra Post
EEEEK Chase Graduated From Kindergarten!
Didn't he do great???? The camera-woman wasn't too great though, sorry...
When we got there & Chase's class was coming in to the gym he mouthed to me that he TWO parts and he was holding a jump rope! With each speaking part a child had an acting part too...so I thought, oh no he has to jump rope...I don't think he can jump rope...here he is...the hit of the show. The girl next to him looks like an Olympic jump roper & my poor Chase...His teacher said he was the only one who volunteered because the little boy who was supposed to jump rope didn't show up. So my Chase gets an A for effort!
When Chase was coming off the stage you saw him say to himself "whew, that was tough!"
It was a fun day! Both sets of Grandparents made it up for his day! He got gifts & cards & money!!! Daddy was able to be there too! Sometimes Daddy's work schedule doesn't allow him to be there for a lot of things...but he made it for ALL the important things!
AND thanks to Granny we got a FABULOUS picture of my little graduate!
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Four Boys For A Night
I Stink
Last week I posted that I would start doing a post everyday, starting August 1st, for 30 days. But I did start a few days early, posted about my son's 4Th birthday. On Friday, the last day of July, I thought, oh no I have already messed up and not kept to my daily posting. Then relief came over me that it wasn't August 1st yet. The end of the month is always crazy at work...so I was encouraged, and decided the next day, after coming home from work I would get to blogging. Welp, it is August 6Th and I haven't blogged yet! I STINK! I like blogging. I like the idea of my boys finding my blog one day and reading memories I wanted to save. But apparently, I STINK at it! Whew. Thank goodness for do overs! So I start over today! I must warn you though, on August 10Th I will be out of town and no where near a computer...so I will definitely skip that day! OYE!
OK...here's to trying again! I guess I wouldn't feel so much pressure if I hadn't missed so many months and had so much to catch up on. I mean, this is a blog about my boys! And a lot of things have happened to them & with them since April....